Thursday, March 4, 2010

Birds for Africa

By now everybody "following" my blog knows that my main photographic target are birds - of which I'm pleased to say I've already "recorded" (= photographed) more than 400 different birds! This Brown Snake eagle isn't a first but nonetheless represents a good "visual".

Although I've "reported" that it was extremely hot most of the time during the last tour [SEE: blog-entry 27 February] this Woodland kingfisher was one of a few which didn't pant as a result of the heat as many other birds & animals did.

I don't know exactly why but I love photographing a Redbacked Shrike - and this one "posed" so nicely with the wind "stroking" across & through its feathers.

I was similarly pleased, no, actually excited, when I noticed this Yellowthroated longclaw on the ground right next to our open safari vehicle.

One can't help but conclude how much this impala female "appreciates" that the Redbilled oxpeckers are around to assist her in getting rid of undesirable ticks - I detect an expression of utter bliss!

When ostriches pose like these 2 young ones, I can't resist the urge to take a photo - even if I already have a large collection of ostrich photos.

And then there was this Cape sugarbird in the Kirstenbosch Botanic Garden - actually there were quite a few but unfortunately this time around it was cloudy, so the photos aren't all "clear".

Soon after a flock of Helmeted guineafowls "grazed" past - and I happily snapped this female & its youngster.

When this sunbird unexpectedly "landed" right in front of me I happily took a "shot" - but I think it got a fright because it flew off as suddenly as it had "entered the picture". I've tried to identify it but all I can conclude is that it's either a female Black sunbird or a female Marico sunbird (both species occur in the Drakensberg region, where I encountered this bird). Of course it could also be an immature sunbird.

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