Saturday, February 5, 2011

Birds Bath

There's a place at the Lower Sabie Camp in the Kruger National Park, where I could stand for hours watching colourful birds - like these weavers - enjoying a bath during hot summer days.

What fun! A Black-eyed bulbul has joined the weavers . . .

. . . but then is replaced by a Glossy starling . . .

. . . which similarly enjoys cooling off.

It's non-stop action as the birds "rotate" . . .

. . . while some birds really look funny when "shaking off" water.

Not all birds use a bird-bath when "feeling in need" of cooling off - any water will do!

Even water birds - like this Whitefaced Duck - don't just "glide" across the water but appear to also have fun doing so.

Or this Greater flamingo having a real good "dip".

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